the industry’s modern importance and vibrancy did not start until the early 1970s,
when the North Sea became a major producer. Since then, the expansion of the offshore
oil industry into many parts of the world has been both continuous and rapid. This growth
has been coupled with a gradual movement to increasingly deeper waters, where today
production has reached approximately 7,000 ft (2,130 m) while exploration is proceeding
as deep as 10,000 ft (3,050 m).
Pipelines, and more generally long tubular structures, are major oil and gas industry
tools used in exploration, drilling, production, and transmission. Installing and operating
tubular structures in deep waters places unique demands on them. The high pressures
and elevated temperatures of the oil wells, the high ambient external pressures, the large
forces involved during installation, and generally the hostility of the environment can
result in a large number of limit states that must be addressed.
The technical challenges of the field have spawned significant research.

- Introduction.
- Offshore Facilities and Pipeline Installation Methods.
- Pipe and Tube Manufacturing Processes.
- Buckling and Collapse Under External Pressure.
- Collapse of UOE Pipe Under External Pressure.
- Collapse of Dented Pipes Under External Pressure.
- Buckling and Collapse Under Combined External Pressure
and Tension. - Inelastic Response, Buckling and Collapse Under Pure Bending.
- Buckling and Collapse Under Combined Bending and
External Pressure. - Inelastic Response Under Combined Bending and Tension.
- Plastic Buckling and Collapse Under Axial Compression.
- Combined Internal Pressure and Axial Compression.
- Elements of Plasticity Theory.
- Appendix A: Mechanical Testing.
- Appendix B: Plastic Anisotropy in Tubes.
- Appendix C: The Ramberg–Osgood Stress–Strain Fit.
- Appendix D: Sanders’ Circular Cylindrical Shell Equations.
- Appendix E: Stress–Strain Fitting for the Dafalias–Popov Model.
- Appendix F: Stress–Strain Fitting for the Tseng–Lee Model.
- Appendix G: Glossary and Nomenclature.
- Appendix H: Units and Conversions.
IDIOMA: Ingles.
PAGINAS: 415 pags.
TAMAÑO: 8.13 MB.

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